Mesothelioma cancer : Biological Behavior

Mesothelioma cancer : Biological Behavior

The biological behavior of mesothelioma can be predicted by their raw appearance, those solitary form and structures, discrete masses are usually benign, while those that grow diffuse, are generally malignant. Mesothelioma is a tumor emerging from mesothelial lining of the serosa, most often bearing lungs (the pleura), more rarely, in the abdominal (peritoneal) coatings and covering the heart (pericardium). They are of two types benign and malignant.Mesothelioma – benign or Solitary.Benign or solitary can also called by pleural fibroma. Exposure to asbestos does not play any role in the etiology of benign mesothelioma. Entirely it consists of a solitary, circumscribed, small firm mass and generally less than an inch in diameter. Dense fibrous fabrics can be seen by cutting the surface. The tumor is composed mainly of sticky fibers and reticulin with intercalated fibroblasts. Unusual, aligned mesothelial slits are observed in the tumor. Benign mesothelioma tumor causes is associated with a systemic syndrome of osteo-arthropathy or hypoglycemia. Ablation of the tumor is usually curative.Mesothelioma – malignant or diffuse.It is a very malignant tumor at a high mortality and it is rare. Generally, after 20 to 40 years of asbestos exposure the tumor can be detected. Nearly 90 percent of mesothelioma are asbestos related.For more mesothelioma cancer.

The post Mesothelioma cancer : Biological Behavior appeared first on asbestos,asbestosis,what is asbestos,asbestos in homes, asbestos definition.

Source: asbestos,asbestosis,what is asbestos,asbestos in homes, asbestos definition


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