In general, mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer. Different types of mesothelioma are distinguished between where the cancer develops. Pleural mesothelioma, the most common, accounting for 75% of all cases of mesothelioma, is where cancer cells develop on the lining of the lungs. The next most common form of mesothelioma is peritoneal mesothelioma and this is where cancer cells develop on the peritoneum which is the wall of the abdomen. Pericardial mesothelioma, the most common form of mesothelioma, accounts for about 5% of all cases of mesothelioma. This is where malignant cancer cells develop on the lining of the heart.All three of these forms of mesothelioma are caused by asbestos. Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous mineral that was discovered in the 1860s. Due to its very useful property of being flame retardant, asbestos was widely used in construction in the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s.
It was not until the early 1960s, when the serious health risks that the causes of asbestos were discovered, that asbestos ceased to be used. When exposed to asbestos with insufficient protection a person will breathe in tiny asbestos fibers suspended in the air. These fibers pass into the respiratory system until they lodge in the lung wall. Over time, the accumulation of these asbestos fibers in the lungs can cause pleural mesothelioma. Asbestos fibers can also pass into the lymphatic system and be transported either to the wall of the abdomen or tissue surrounding the heart. This can result in either peritoneal mesothelioma or pericardial mesothelioma.In terms of symptoms, the three main types of mesothelioma have some symptoms in common with each other.
These symptoms are usually of three types: chest pain, shortness of breath, cough, blood sputum, vomiting, nausea, weight loss and loss of appetite. An additional symptom of pericardial mesothelioma is palpitations. There are few treatments for all types of mesothelioma, but none of them have a high success rate. The effectiveness of the treatment depends on the precocity and the aggressiveness of the cancer is treated. If cancer cells are treated when they have fully matured and developed then it is unlikely that the treatment methods will be successful. Treatment methods include chemotherapy, which is the use of drugs to kill cancer, radiotherapy that uses a dose of radiation to kill cancer cells and surgery that attempts to take long-term control over cancer by suppressing A large part of the malignant cells. These methods of treatment can be combined in the form of double therapy
Source: mesothelioma,mesothelioma law firm,asbestos law firm,asbestos lawyer,mesothelioma lawyer,lung cancer mesothelioma http://ift.tt/2sR8iyq
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